Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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nly 50 years of basic unity of the Republic, all recorded as 110 years of civil strife,new nba teams, foreign aggression, separatism period.
(Qin Empire), after two thousand years, two thousand years before the above broad-brush, oakley basic unity, reunification period in 1215, split the civil unrest during the 785 years (plus unified in the latter part of the period of civil strife, about 800 years).
From the general aspects of the the oakley nation's unified occupy the mainstream, the separatist civil unrest, after all unified a basic law, all the prosperity oakley unified period, the poor and weak oakley All civil unrest during the split.
Not a big nation like oakley world so that every time after so many separatist civil strife can integrate their own, eventually to return to the unified trend! The separatist forces oakley history did not succeed once,oakley shifter 4.0, oakley territory did not split the civil strife will never lose that afraid of an inch!
Can not be said that this is the miracle of the World National History.
the oakley national wisdom most dazzling pearl is unity consciousness to the world without a nation unified consciousness overtaken by such a long-lasting national spirit.
oakley national integration unified great wisdom in the following three aspects:
First, each face split, unified immediately become the the oakley nation's highest ideals and never waver. Heroic leaders of the nation's highest honor is always given to be able to lead a unified people to follow the target immediately surging Backward unifyi

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