Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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s also not destroyed, not even roadblocks set up. Particular,oakley snowboard gear, the former refers to the transfer of the branch of the Corps of Engineers specializes in tunneling operation in rugged and complex system of trenches fortifications built from the two hills of the canyon mouth, the helicopter winching to a large number of construction machinery and materials. Night construction, the progress is quite fast.
Artillery were busy measuring the road signs point coordinates from the mountain
?Concealed artillery positions on the commanding heights at the must do almost certain to attack moving targets on the highway. Group ultralight 155mm howitzer is deployed to good terrain at a distance of 25 km away from the canyon mouth straight sets ground,nike air jordan six rings, their long-range sufficient to support the defenders of the high ground combat attacking forces of the Indian Army and the Indian Army's remote gunfire was extremely difficult to hit, because they could not deploy too close to the Highlands. Many soldiers helped build anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missile sites. 23 Group Army troops of the army's support to be good at a sturdy defensive famous.
Is Ling Time Division, a tight defensive firepower, the fortifications depth defense system has begun to take shape. Looked from the height of the positions in the south, saw slice open the ups and downs of the relatively flat valley, Article the quality highway through the distant boundary. However, the soldiers no time to enjoy the beauty of this exotic rush to rest. The Corps o

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